An Industrial Design podcast.
43: Embracing Challenges with Tim Perry
In this episode, the (REDACTED) team are joined by Tim Perry, a veteran in the design and consulting world with over 25 years of experience. Having worked with brands like Nokia, Procter & Gamble, plus Logitech to name a few. Tim has made it his mission to teach designers commercial skills, how to set consultancy rates, how to manage client relationships and all the other hidden arts designers need to succeed.
Hosted by Lucy Bishop and Fraser Greenfield with guest, Tim Perry.
TP Consulting
Tim Perry - Innovation & Design Strategy | LinkedIn
Follow Tim on Instagram | @timperryconsulting
Vancouver has banned the doorknob. Is the rest of Canada next? | National Post
Farewell the Round doorknob: Is Vancouver’s ban a sign of things to come for Australia? | Zanda Architectural Hardware
What Happened to Palm Pilot? | illumy
Ballmer Laughs at iPhone | YouTube
Turning Losing Into Winning | TP Consulting
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